Like Mother/Father Like Daughter…
“Be safe. But not so safe that you don’t have any fun.” – My Dad
I talked to my folks today.
They are converting my dad’s 11-foot motorcycle hauling trailer into a HOUSE…and traveling in it.
They are the coolest retired couple I ever did know and I hope that when I grow-up I will be just as rad and fun as they are!
My dad and Dan geeked out on the phone this morning, talking about solar panels, inverters and general electrical such things. Nothing brings people together like…modulating charge controllers…? That’s love.
Mom and I talked about making the trailer “homey” with quilts, pillows, and a fresh coat of paint. And inflatable beds…to each mention of it, she asked Mahlon (my dad) for their name…”what are they called again?”…right…Thermarests.
Good luck with peeing in a bucket Mom – you can do it…just think “yoga pose!” And good luck, Dad, with fitting all your “toys” in one its-bitsy space – “toys for life!” should be added to your life mottos.
All my love and support and well wishes to your new endeavour parents! This may shed some light on why I’m such a bohemian, free-bird Mennonite (haha…forever a Mennonite!).
See you in the Yukon.
Love you.
2 thoughts on “Like Mother/Father Like Daughter…”
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Oh my gosh!!! That’s amazing! I can’t wait to see photos of this tiny home.
We think you’ve got it wrong, We’re not the inspirer’s here. Your Mom, & Dad hope to be just like You, when we grow up !!!!