Salty Ocean Tears
The chapter of van-life is (too) quickly drawing to a close for our team. I stick by what I shared last time – I want to end our nomadic living – but that’s not to say that I don’t have some apprehensions. This really WAS …
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view." - Ed Abbey
The chapter of van-life is (too) quickly drawing to a close for our team. I stick by what I shared last time – I want to end our nomadic living – but that’s not to say that I don’t have some apprehensions. This really WAS …
“We learn that good things don’t happen without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. I challenge you to move beyond these beliefs of limitation and suffering. I challenge you to accept that you’re here to have fun.” – Gabrielle Bernstein So life isn’t …
“A van-life journey to transform…” – where’s my office now Thats’s right. We’ve managed to make it a staggering 12 months as permanent van dwellers. What started as a social experiment and a personal challenge to push against the norm has evolved into a fairly …
“My relationship with surfing has been a bit choppy, with lots of ups and downs if you catch my drift.” – Yours Truly Thanksgiving weekend. We are in Tofino. While my man plays with the waves, I cozy up in the van, with a …
Good morning Tofino! We slept in, then rushed to Incinerator Rock beach so Dan could hit up the surf. Our conversation was rather serious on the drive this morning, and we found ourselves stressing about our van. Westfalia vans, while they are old, creaky, …
We’re in Tofino! It’s summer. It’s been sunny. Today, however, it pours. My husband reminded me this morning that we are, in fact, in a coastal rainforest. It’s only natural… So we bend and adapt with the weather, falling into rhythm. Sitka goes for her …
“I need to get away from the city,” I said, to one of my favourite, fatherly customers. “Again.” “You don’t need to get away,” he corrected. “You just choose to go somewhere else.” I love him. The cars, the lights, the whizzing, the honking, …
My body craves movement, and sometimes life does not allow the luxury to provide opportunities to move. There are obstacles – work demands, restless sleep or poor weather to name a few (and of course, there’s always laziness). Have you ever just gone for that …
Van-life has become a lot more comfortable for us lately – and nothing major has really changed. It just feels…wholesome. exploratory. quirky. abundant. Still, by far, the best part of this life (not to mention the money we are saving for future travels!) is the …
Today is a gift…give it a squeeze and hold on tight! There’s no need to go on a journey to find ourselves. We are the journey, and this my friends, is frolic inducing. 🙂 Maybe your gift to the world is yourself – not what …
It’s been a tough week as far as van-life goes. No joke. Too many nights near-tears (or in tears for that matter) over the whole thing…just a hair away from quitting on the spot. What happened? Nothing in particular. No van break-downs. No van break-ins …
This is late, but Merry Christmas! Our holiday ventures found us wandering around the beaches and ghostly quiet town of Tofino. Dan surfed. I slept in. I napped. I went to bed at 7pm. I had the flu. Boo-hoo.
Winter solstice is just around the corner…a magical time of year. Island winter are a blessed change from the cold, snowy winters we are accustomed to. While I miss the snow for recreational reason (can you say skiing?), I also appreciate the temperate ocean …