My Trail Home
Seizing this sunny day to the fullest…complete with a lovely picnic by the ocean with Joy and Sitka, followed by a run along Dallas Road, and finally, reading old trail blog posts on our Pacific Crest Trail hike.
Every few months, I revisit our PCT ventures – – and mixed emotions always surface. By far the most abundant are the smiles…ridiculous amounts of smiles! I will always be grateful that Dan and I went through the trouble to document that trip, both for ourselves and for whoever was curious about our 2660 mile hike. I hope I enjoy “Into Bohemia” as much one day…
I will always long for the trail. For the simplicity. For the freedom. For the adventure. For the uncertainty. For the community. For the nature.
So for the time being, we will continue to live a slightly conflicted existence between “9-to-5ing it” and “flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants” on the weekend. In mere moments, I’m meeting my man and we’re heading off for a mini-hike on the Juan De Fuca Trail. It’s no PCT 2660 miles…more like some 30 odd kilometres…but none the less…it’s a trail…and the trail is home…
We’re going home.

2 thoughts on “My Trail Home”
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Have, fun on your mini hike. Seems rather EPIC by our standards.
Thanks Dad! Turns out we got all “crazy” and just decided to complete the entire Juan De Fuca trail in 2 days – last time it took us 5 days! Oops…